Shaping Tomorrow through Global Education
Organised by HAND Association in partnership with CONCORD Europe and in cooperation with GENE and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
The next MeeTEing Point session takes the theme "The DICE Project: a model for integrating GCE into primary teacher education in Ireland".
ANGEL MeeTEing Point is a series of online gatherings of ANGEL's Special Interest Group on Teacher Education, designed to bring the community together to discuss pertinent issues for all those with an interest in Teacher Education on topics relating to Global Education & Learning.
This session will share the latest updates from the DICE Project, a model for integrating GCE into initial teacher education in Ireland. The project recently celebrated 20 years, and in this session we will share what has worked well for us and some of the challenges we have had to overcome in that time. Additionally, this session will serve to share the latest (freely available) DICE publication which is a book titled: Global Citizenship Education: Curious Teachers, Critical Classrooms. The book is aimed at initial teacher education and may be of use to others in the SIG.
The session is hosted via Zoom.
We aim to share good practice as engaged with through the DICE Project.
Dr Brighid Golden is Assistant Professor in Global Education at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, and a member of the national DICE project network. Brighid teaches, researches, and publishes in the areas of global citizenship education, critical thinking, resource development, initial teacher education, and self-study research approaches.
Dr Aoife Titley is the lecturer in Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in the Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education. Before becoming a teacher educator, she worked as an education researcher and a post-primary teacher. Her research interests include diversifying the primary teaching profession, international service learning (sending programmes), GCE policy and practice, and social activism in primary schools. She is also the Chairperson of the MU Sanctuary Committee, a collaborative community and cross-departmental initiative, working to make Maynooth University an inclusive space for students from asylum seeking and refugee backgrounds.